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Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

Community Service Provider

Let us help you reach your goals.

Support Coordination

Our friendly Support Coordinators work alongside you to ensure you have access to the right supports and services to achieve your NDIS goals.

At Rural Lifestyle Options Australia, our Support Coordinators employ a tailored approach and are experienced in working with participants from all walks of life across a broad range of different support needs. They are highly skilled at sourcing the right supports and services for you based on the goals outlined in your NDIS plan. Their focus is to ensure that you are supported to make the decisions you want to make while completing the background work required to bring your NDIS goals to fruition. 


What is Support Coordination? 


Our Support Coordinators will be with you every step of the way and will:


  • Support your right to choice and control

  • Assist you in understanding your NDIS plan

  • Demonstrate best practice to implement your NDIS plan

  • Inform you about all the possibilities you can do with your NDIS funds

  • Support you in deciding how you want your services delivered

  • Find the best providers which suit you, your goals and location

  • Communicate with providers and advocate on your behalf

  • Connect you with services, supports and providers to best meet your needs

  • Ensure Service Agreements and Service Bookings are completed

  • Assist you to resolve points of conflict or crisis


Our dedicated team of Support Coordinators will assist you in implementing all services included in your NDIS plan including informal, mainstream, community and funded supports. They are committed to enabling participants to have greater choice and control over their supports and will provide opportunities for the participant to connect and integrate within their local community. 


We understand that not everyone has the same wants and needs, so our commitment to you is that your allocated Support Coordinator will look objectivity at all of the options available, to find the best supports for you.



Building Capacity

​We will help you understand

your NDIS plan.


Services Connection

​We will find the best providers to

deliver the supports for you.


Innovative Support Approaches

We can assist you in implementing

the best supports for you.

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Disputes and Queries

​We will assist you to resolve points

of conflict or crisis.


Establish Supports

​We will take the hassle out of

signing up to services for you.

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Choice and Control

We will support you in finding the

right providers to meet your needs.

Please note:


​If you would like to learn more about our Support Coordination service under the NDIS – book a time to talk to one of our friendly Regional Business Development Officers by calling 1300 032 175 or by completing the call back form below. 


Our service is available to you, if your NDIS plan includes 'Level 1: Support Connection' or 'Level 2: Coordination of Supports' under your “Capacity Building Supports”. 

Let us get in touch.

If you would like to know more about this service, provide your details using the form below and one of our friendly staff members will be in touch with you. 

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