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Team Excellence Award!

Due to Privacy and Confidentiality, we cannot divulge too much information as to why these Lifestyle Support Workers are being recognised but recently Ann Armstrong (Vice Chair for Rural Lifestyle Options Australia) presented Adam Smith, Sheryl Colton, Krystal Fone, Skye Kenny, Heather Wills (Absent), Tammy Mevissen and Tiffane Upton with a Team Excellence award for their remarkable team work in ensuring a participant receives exceptional quality of care in an ongoing capacity.

Your efforts and willingness to work as part of a team to achieve this has not gone unnoticed. This has been recognised as extending Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s mission.

In recognition of their efforts, they will be treated to lunch at their next team meeting. Please join us in congratulating Adam, Sheryl, Krystal, Skye, Heather, Tammy and Tiffane!


To learn more about how we recognise the amazing achievements and milestones of our team, please visit


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