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Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

Community Service Provider

1,2,3 Switch! How to change your Aged Care Provider in three easy steps!

Looking for a new Aged Care provider can be daunting and could take some time… but finding the right one is essential! By following the three easy steps in today’s blog, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia can help you relax and give you peace of mind that you will soon be receiving the care and services you deserve.

Before you change providers, it is important to make sure that you are aware of the following before making the switch:

· Check whether your existing provider has exit fees or special conditions

· Ensure the current provider knows the date you want the services to end

· Confirm the new provider knows the date on which you want services to commence

If you cease your arrangement before finding a new provider, you have 56 calendar days to enter into a new Home Care Agreement with another provider before your Home Care Package is withdrawn.

If you are looking for continuous service, it is important to ensure the start date for the new provider coincides with the last day of services provided by your existing provider.

It is worth noting, that changing providers could save you thousands of dollars in fees!

Now that we have those critical factors to be aware of out of the way, it’s now time to jump into the three easy steps!

The first step is to find a new Home Care Provider that best suits your needs and meets your budget.

The second step occurs after you have found your new Aged Care Provider (yay you!). Once this has occurred, then it is time to notify your current Home Care Provider. Let your present Home Care Provider know that you are switching and provide them with the date you wish for services to cease.

It is noted that most providers require at least 14 days’ notice or some even up to 4 weeks.

It is best to notify them in writing, preferably by email, as this allows you to keep track of the conversation.

The third and final step is to ensure My Aged Care has been notified that you are changing providers. Once you have been provided with a referral code, you will need to present this to your new provider! This referral code is also known as a ‘reactivating home care services code.’

Finally, congratulations! You are on your way to getting the best care possible.


If you would like to 1, 2, 3 switch from your current Home Care Provider to Rural Lifestyle Options Australia, please visit or contact or call 1300 032 175.


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