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Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

Community Service Provider

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

The latest Rural Lifestyle Options Australia updates.

Our News

Volunteer on Friday, 11 March 2022 to fundraise for RLOA’s Unfunded Projects initiative!

This year we will be running the 50:50 Charity Raffle for the Brisbane Broncos vs Sydney Rabbitohs season opener at Suncorp Stadium.

Tickets are sold to fans throughout the Stadium during the event by staff and volunteers equipped with handheld electronic mobile devices. The gross proceeds of all Raffle tickets sold at the event go into a prize pool. 50% of the prize pool will go to the winner of the random draw, which occurs towards the end of the event.

The remaining 50% will be set aside for charitable purposes.

All volunteers will be required to meet at Suncorp Stadium at 4:00pm for a debriefing with the 50:50 Charity Raffle Team.

Inviting your friends, work networks and families to support this night is strongly encouraged.

Please register your interest to be involved on the night by visiting or by emailing

All volunteers will be required to exit the stadium just after half time, but for interested parties we will meet at a venue on Caxton Street to watch the end of the game.

Further details will be advised closer to the date.


Please register your interest to be involved on the night by visiting or by emailing

The dispossession of Australia’s First Nations peoples began on this date in 1788, representing a day of mourning as opposed to one of celebration.

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia recognises the impact that this date has had and continues to have on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Each year Australians discover more about the impact of invasion on First Nations peoples, on their culture, right to self-determination, and sovereignty. January 26th is an important moment for all of us to support First Nations-led campaigns for self-determination and justice.

Whilst we believe Australia is a country that should have a day to be celebrated, we believe it should be held on a date which brings all Australians together. Rather than unifying Australians, the celebration of January 26th each year alienates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We acknowledge that calls to change the date is just the beginning with reparations, justice and systemic change duly owed to the First Nations Peoples of the land, waters and communities we depend on.

Whether today marks Australia Day, Invasion Day or Survival Day to you, above all else today marks an opportunity to remember, to reflect, to acknowledge, to listen, to support and to recognise what this day represents to some and not to others.

Heal country, heal our nation. 🖤💛❤️


To learn more about our commitment to reconciliation, please visit

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia (RLOA) are proud to announce that we have been selected as 2022 Charity Partners with the Brisbane Broncos.

As part of this partnership, RLOA will be running the 50-50 Charity Raffle in the season opener against the Sydney Rabbitohs on Friday, 11 March 2022 at Suncorp Stadium.

If you would like to volunteer to support our cause on the night, we would love to hear from you. Please email for more details.

We are grateful for the ongoing support from the Brisbane Broncos Charity Fund and look forward to the season ahead!


You can read the Broncos official announcement by visiting the link below:

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