For almost 30 years, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia has been dedicated to addressing unmet need across rural and regional communities. Throughout this time, we have always supported our volunteer Carers where possible as we recognise that there are currently over 2.7 million Carers across Australia. ❤️
Despite acknowledging that there are many organisations who are funded to provide incredible supports for Carers such as counselling services and support groups, we have identified that there is a still a gap in the market to assist Carers who are experiencing financial stress.
In order to address this gap, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia are proud to announce our latest Unfunded Project, the Caring for Carers Emergency Relief Program.
Funding through this program will be distributed through an application process with the view to support Carers who require immediate support with essential needs such as:
◾ Buying food 🥕
◾ Paying for fuel ⛽
◾ Clothing 👕
◾ Medical supplies ⚕️
◾ Assistance with paying bills 🧾
◾ A short break or weekend away 🏖️
There is a limit of up to $500 per application and only 1 application can be supported in a 12-month period. Please note that cash will not be directly exchanged. This program is for payment of a bill in arrears or to make a payment in advance on behalf of a Carer.
We hope this new program will provide relief to those who give so much to supporting others in an unpaid capacity.
To learn more about the program, please visit www.rloa.org.au/caringforcarers
If you are individual or business who think you can assist us in ensuring the success of this new program, please email caringforcarers@rloa.org.au to discuss your idea today.
If you would like to apply for Emergency Relief funding, please send a confidential email to caringforcarers@rloa.org.au