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Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

Community Service Provider

Definitions to assist you on your journey.

NDIS Glossary


Access Request Form (ARF)


An access request form provides information to the NDIA to determine whether or not an individual is eligible to become an NDIS participant.




A carer can be family members or friends who provide support to a person with a disability. 



Clusters are the categories that individual supports are placed under by the NDIA for easy identification.


Correspondence Nominee


A correspondence nominee is able to undertake all activities that a participant would undertake, except for:

  • The preparation, review or replacement of the participant’s plan

  • Management of the funding for supports in the participant’s plan

  • Funded Supports

  • Types of support that cost money and that the NDIS pays for.


Early Intervention


Early intervention support can be for both children and adults, following onset of a disability. The intention of early intervention is to minimise the impact of a person’s disability by providing support at the earliest possible stage. 


First Plan


Once a person has access to the NDIS, they will work with a Local Area Coordinator or NDIA Planner to develop their first plan. The first plan will focus on current supports and will be in place for 12 months from when the person becames an NDIS participant.


Formal Supports


These may also be referred to as funded supports or reasonable and necessary supports. Formal supports are the supports which are funded under the NDIS act. 




A guardian is a person who is in a formal caring role and acts on behalf of a person with a disability. Should the participant be unable to make contact with the NDIA, their guardian can make contact on their behalf. 


Individualised Funding


The funding provided through the NDIS or state governments to a person with a disability.

Information, Linkages and Capacity (ILC) Building


The focus of ILC is community inclusion – making sure people with disability are connected into their communities. ILC is all about making sure the community becomes more accessible and inclusive of people with disability.


Local Area Coordinator (LAC)


LACs help link people with a disability to the NDIS, provide information about the NDIS and supports, and work with communities to make them more inclusive. LACs are involved in the planning process which includes creating the first plan with NDIS participants (through a phone interview or face to face meeting), helping them put the plan into action, and assisting with the plan review.




Is the name of the online portal for NDIS providers and participants. The portal allows participants to see their plan, manage their services, and request payments. To access the portal, participants need to set up a myGov account. Providers also use the portal to make claims for support provided.




The National Disability Services (NDS) is the Australian peak body for non-government disability services. NDS provides information, representation and policy advice to support people with all forms of disability to participate in all domains of life.




The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency, the body responsible for running the NDIS. The NDIA is responsible for assessing the supports you receive and how well they are working for you.




The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national scheme designed to help improve disability services and provide greater control and decision making to people with disabilities in Australia. The NDIS supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities.


NDIS Price Guide


Prices for reasonable and necessary supports are listed in the NDIS price guide. The price guide is developed, published, and updated by the NDIA. There are different price guides depending on the State and Territory.




Nominees can be appointed when requested by the participant or where necessary. Nominees will have a duty to determine the wishes of the participant and make decisions to maximise their personal and social wellbeing. There are two types of nominees, correspondence nominees and plan nominees.




A participant is a person with a disability who successfully qualifies for the NDIS.  


Participant Plans


A person with a disability will work with a Planner to design a customised plan to suit their specific needs. It uses goal-based planning to consider your strengths, and seeks to maximise your choices and your independence.




A person who works for the NDIA to help participants put together their individual support plans. Your planner is there to help you access the system, but you can help them by giving as much information as possible about your situation and your goals.


Planning Meeting


A conversation where a planner, a participant and any people supporting the participant work on putting together an individual support plan for the participant.




This is the plan each participant has which includes information about the person’s support needs, goals, and informal and formal supports. It also includes details of the person’s funding for supports. It is developed by the person with a disability together with a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or an NDIA Planner.




A provider is an individual or an organisation that delivers support or a product to a participant of the NDIS. 


Reasonable and Necessary Supports


Anything which is related to a participant’s disability and helps them to reach their goals and undertake activities which are deemed reasonable and necessary supports under the NDIS. It cannot include day-to-day living costs that are not related to a participant’s disability support needs. If you’re not sure what is ‘necessary and reasonable,’ ask your planner.


Registered Provider


A registered provider is an individual or an organisation that delivers support or a product to a participant of the NDIS. 


Sector Development Fund


The Sector Development Fund (SDF) has been set up by the Australian Government to help prepare for the NDIS. Some of the activities that will be funded include; transition support, workforce planning and development. 


Self Management


This is when a participant and their family manage the funding and supports in their NDIS plan.


Service Agreement


This is a written agreement created with a service provider that sets out what supports the participant wants from the provider, how and when supports will be provided, the cost of these supports, and how long the agreement will last.


Service Booking


Is the request for a product or service which is created in the online myplace portal. The service booking links the participant’s funded supports with their chosen provider. It shows the type of support to be provided, the length of time the support is needed for, and the funding in the participant’s NDIS Plan which will pay for this support. Payments cannot be made to providers or participants unless a service booking is in place. Service bookings can be created by the participant, plan nominee, plan management provider, or the participant can ask to create the service booking on their behalf.




Types of assistance that are provided to a participant to assist them in reaching their goals.


Supports Coordinator


The Support Coordinator helps an NDIS participant put their plan into action. They can help a participant to organise supports, choose providers, and link into mainstream and community services. Through the planning meeting the NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator, will work with the participant to decide if support coordination will be in their plan. 


Support Package


The word used by the NDIA to describe the funding for supports which is available for an individual participant.


Support Worker


A person who is paid to provide care and support to a person with a disability.


Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP)


The Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) is applicable to some NDIS support types including Social and Community Participation and Daily Activities. The TTP helps organisations like Rural Lifestyle Options Australia improve the quality of support they provide for the benefit of people who utilise their services. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) works with participants to ensure that their plans cover the TTP charges and does not affect the funding they receive for supports. 

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