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Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

Community Service Provider

Your home, your way.

Individualised Living Options (ILO)

Where we live, who we live with and the supports to live the life we want are very important to everyone.

Individualised Living Options (ILO) enable alternative ways of supporting and funding living arrangements for you under the NDIS. These supports are focused on working with you and your family to consider your individual living needs and preferences to design a flexible package of supports. 

Our Individualised Living Options are not determined by the home ownership or leasing situation or eligibility for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding - it is simply the support provided and not the accommodation or dwelling itself. Implementation often happens in stages and the package includes a primary support approach and supplementary supports. Once established, the living arrangement is closely monitored and fine-tuned by our experienced team.


The following describe a variety of living arrangements under ILO supports:


  • Co-Residency – support resides full time or part time in the participant's home.

  • Host Arrangements – participant resides full time in the home of a non related host who provides support.

  • Living Alone – support is provided in the home of the participant in a variety of ways.

  • Living Together – participant lives with other people of their choice and receives support.  


Our Individualised Living Options are often a viable alternative to a group home. 

There are two stages of Individualised Living Options (ILO) that Rural Lifestyle Options Australia can support you with:


ILO Stage 1: Exploration and Design


Stage 1 involves discovering your home and living aspirations based on your preferences and needs. In partnership with you, your family, your friends and other support networks, we will work together to discover where you want to live, who you want to live with, what supports you need, and how best to set your ILO package set up. Stage 1 is a critical stage in developing the right ILO package for you.


ILO Stage 2: Supports


Stage 2 involves putting your endorsed ILO package of primary, supplementary, formal and informal supports in place, including finding and implementing the supports you need to live the way you want. Stage 2 also involves ongoing monitoring and adjustment of the ILO package as your needs change. 


Planning For Success

We will work out a tailored plan with you based on your NDIS goals.


Finding The Right Match

We will build a small team around

your goals and aspirations.


Working Toward Your Goals

We are committed to helping you achieve your NDIS goals.

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Greater Choice And Control

We support you to do more of the things you want to do!

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We Are Kind And Respectful

​We offer support that is mindful of

your comfort, privacy and dignity. 

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We Are Fun And Goal-Orientated

You are at the centre of everything

we do.  

Please note:


​If you would like to learn more about our Individualised Living Options service under the NDIS – book a time to talk to one of our friendly Regional Business Development Officers by calling 1300 032 175 or by completing the call back form below. 


Our service is available to you, if your NDIS plan includes 'Individualised Living Options - Exploration and Design' or 'Individualised Living Options - Support Model' under your “CORE Supports”. 

Let us get in touch.

If you would like to know more about this service, provide your details using the form below and one of our friendly staff members will be in touch with you. 

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