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Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

Community Service Provider

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Make a positive difference beyond your lifetime.

Leaving A Bequest

What is a bequest? 

Bequests allow Rural Lifestyle Options Australia to provide ongoing support, improve our facilities to ensure they are meeting the

needs of the people we support and to provide additional services within our community.


By making a bequest to Rural Lifestyle Options Australia, you will be supporting our organisation to make a real difference whilst also contributing to Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s Unfunded Projects as displayed on our website.
Making a Will is an important part of planning for the future. After you have provided for loved ones, you may then consider includingRural Lifestyle Options Australia as a beneficiary. Many generous people support the important work of Rural Lifestyle Options Australia through bequests from their estates. By leaving a lasting legacy, your gift enables us to support people with a disability to lead independent and fulfilling lives.
It is one way of making a positive difference beyond your lifetime.
If you have already made a Will, you may like to consider asking your solicitor to add a codicil, which will incorporate your gift to Rural Lifestyle Options Australia Ltd.


Let us know so we can thank you.


We understand that making a Will is a very personal matter However, if you do intend making Rural Lifestyle Options Australia Ltd one of your beneficiaries, or already have done so, it would be a great help if you could let us know. As well as being of assistance for our future planning, it gives us an opportunity to acknowledge and recognise your generosity and to discuss your wishes. Any information you give us will of course be in the strictest confidence.
For further information on making a bequest, in strict confidence, please phone our Chief Executive Officer on 1300 032 175.

Suggested wording – gifts of residue

Gifts of Residue are a wonderful way of ensuring the value of your bequest increases with time. To assist your solicitor or legal adviser, here is a sample of our suggested bequest wording for a gift of residue.
I give the residue of my Estate to Rural Lifestyle Options Australia Limited, ABN 55 956 904 691, and I declare that the receipt of its Chief Executive Officer, treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

Suggested wording – specific legacies

To assist your solicitor or legal adviser, here is a sample of our suggested bequest wording for a specific legacy.
I give to Rural Lifestyle Options Australia Limited, ABN 55 956 904 691, the sum of ....... for its general purposes free of all duties and taxes payable upon or in consequence of my death and I declare that the receipt of its Chief Executive Officer, treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.


If you would like to know more about Making A Bequest or how Rural Lifestyle Options Australia can assist you, you can request a callback using the form below. Alternatively please email us at or contact us on 1300 032 175 today!

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