Rural Lifestyle Options Australia
Community Service Provider

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Unfunded Projects
About our Unfunded Projects Initiative
Our Unfunded Projects initiative includes any project undertaken by Rural Lifestyle Options Australia which adds value to the lives of the people we support, which we do not receive any funding for. Every dollar we raise through our Unfunded Projects counts and contributes toward supporting people living in rural or regional communities.
One of our ongoing Unfunded Projects that our fundraising efforts contributes to is our Caring For Carers (Emergency Relief) Program.
Our Unfunded Projects, as listed below are only made possible through the generosity of members within our community, generous employees and utilising the organisations cash reserves.
Contributions from Containers for Change, Play For Purpose ticket sales, bequests, donations, in-kind support from local businesses, fundraising events and our Workplace Giving programs all assist in bringing our Unfunded Projects into fruition.
For additional details or to arrange a weekly or monthly direct debit over the phone please contact us on 1300 032 175.
Project 25: Natural Disaster Recovery Fund
This Unfunded Project will be used to support RLOA’s efforts in ensuring the continuity of supports to people with a disability in rural and regional communities in the event of a natural disaster.
This is an ongoing project to ensure stability in times of drought, flood or fire to those within the RLOA community however the primary focus for this drive will be to assist people with disability; their carers and community workers who have been impacted by the recent flood event across South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
Your donations will be used in the event of a natural disaster to:
Fund fixes to disability accommodation impacted
Provide temporary accommodation for people with disability impacted
Offset the cost of additional overtime supports to people with a disability
Improve existing infrastructure and processes for responding to a natural disaster i.e. droughts; floods; bushfires
Purchase critical medical related supplies including sanitary items and baby supplies
Source food and access to clean drinking water
Provide clothing and dry linen
Supply camping gear (e.g. gas stove cookers, tents, sleeping bags, tarps, batteries)
Other expenses deemed necessary by the Executive Team or Workplace Health and Safety Committee to ensure risks related to natural disasters are minimised
During a natural disaster, this funding will be used to minimise the impact of the event.
Post event, those impacted can apply for emergency relief through an application process, which is limited to availability of funds at the time of receiving the application.
Total project cost is ongoing.

Project 24: Five New All-In-One Computers
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s twenty-fourth Unfunded Project involved the purchase of five new All-In-One Computers, which will assist the growing needs of our workforce, now and into the future. Due to ongoing growth and the current investment into providing unfunded supports, this wouldn't have been possible without the support of the Scenic Rim Regional Council.
Total project cost was $4,990
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to the Scenic Rim Regional Council who contributed $4,595 to this project through their Community Grants program. The remaining $395 was achieved through our ongoing fundraising efforts.

Project 23: New Computers for Office
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s twenty-third Unfunded Project was to replace two All-In-One Desktop PCs for the office, that were over 10 years old and extremely slow.
Total project cost was $2,000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to the Beaudesert RSL Services Club who funded this project through their Community Grants program.

​Project 22: National Carers Week 2020

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia's twenty-second Unfunded Project involved holding a live National Carers Week inspired raffle which resulted in one lucky carer from our community winning a $150 RLOA Gift Card as a small token of appreciation for the valuable work carers do.
Total project cost was $150
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
Project 21: Upgrades to Emerald House Respite Retreat
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s twenty-first Unfunded Project consisted of upgrades to our Emerald House Respite Retreat. Our Emerald House Respite Retreat is accessible to participants who partake in our 'Tree Change' Short Term Accommodation experience. Upgrades included a new Double Bed, new bed linen, pillows, towels, washers and bath mats. This Unfunded Project is currently ongoing to provide the best experience possible for guests who stay at this accommodation.
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say big thank you to those who have supported this project to date.

Project 20: New Computer for Emerald House Respite Retreat
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s twentieth Unfunded Project was for a HP All-in-One Desktop Computer. This computer resides in our Emerald House Respite Retreat and is accessible to participants who partake in our 'Tree Change' Short Term Accommodation experience. This computer will allow participants the opportunity to discover new activities in their local area; write notes; type lists; research topics of interest and watch videos online.
Total project cost was $1,000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to the Scenic Rim Regional Council who funded this project through their community grants program.

Project 19: Aigo Standing Transfer Aid
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s nineteenth Unfunded Project was an Aigo Standing Transfer Aid. This piece of equipment is complementary to electric lift systems as it aids the transfer of persons with reduced mobility who have some weight-bearing capacity in the lower limbs, muscular capacity in the upper limbs, and the ability to understand simple instructions. It provides a safe means of transfer from a bed to a chair or from a bed to a bathroom with the help of a Lifestyle Support Worker. The user's participation helps to maintain their independence.
Total project cost was $2,000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to the Brisbane Broncos who funded this project through their charity partner program for 2020.

Project 18: Christmas Party 2019
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s eighteenth Unfunded Project was for a Christmas Party for our participants. On 20 December 2019, we held the Emerald House Christmas Wonderland for participants, their families and staff. The event included catering, Christmas music and a special appearance from Santa Claus who delivered presents to those in attendance.
Total project cost was $400
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to to Arco Qld Pty Ltd for their generous support in bringing this event into fruition.

Project 17: Upgrades to existing medical equipment

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s seventeenth Unfunded Project was for essential upgrades to our existing medical equipment within our respite accommodation. We have been operating for almost 30 years and without the continued support of the local communities we serve, and grants from local community groups and government bodies, we would not have been able to achieve as much as we have. Despite assisting guests for several years, due to wear and tear, we needed to upgrade our fully automatic hospital bed, manual hoist, and transfer board to provide the best support we can to our participants.
Total project cost was $8,000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
Project 16: Emergency Respite

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s sixteenth Unfunded Project provided emergency short-term accommodation (respite) to a young man in the 2018/2019 financial year, who at no fault of his own became homeless. Funding under the NDIS was not able to cover the shortfall until permanent supports and accommodation were put in place. Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s commitment was to ensure the young man was not homeless until a permanent housing solution was sourced.
Total project cost was $116,000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia used our own cash reserves to ensure this project was completed.
Project 15: New Accommodation House

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s fifteenth Unfunded Project was for the cost of materials, labour and trades for the newly established wheelchair accessible accommodation house within the Scenic Rim. Through generous donations we were able to convert a building into a newly renovated five bedroom fully accessible residence for four lovely young people we have the privilege of supporting.
Total project cost was $18,320
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
Project 14: Ceiling Hoist Purchase and Installation

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia's fourteenth Unfunded Project involves the installation and purchase of a Ceiling Hoist system designed to facilitate safe, comfortable and dignified transfers of people. Ceiling Hoists are used to transfer people between two locations (e.g. between a chair and a bed). A ceiling hoist comprises of a track which is fitted to the ceiling and an electrically powered lifting motor, which is also attached to a sling. A special thank you to Bentleys Chartered Accountants, who fundraised $3200 internally toward this project, the Beaudesert RSL Services Club, who contributed $2,000 toward this project and the Stronger Communities Grant Programme who funded the remaining $3,800 to make this project a reality.
Total project cost was $9,000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.

Project 13: Support for Carer
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s thirteenth Unfunded Project involved providing essential support to keep a family together through very trying times. Due to medical illnesses, the primary carer of the family ended up in hospital on life support. Through our Unfunded Projects initiative, we purchased groceries and care packs for the family, and provided both formal support and emotional support to ensure they stayed connected and together during significant turmoil through no fault of their own. A positive outcome was able to be achieved and we are proud to say that the family continue to be supported by a dedicated team of workers through RLOA.
Total project cost was $4,500
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.

Project 12: Improvements to Social Hub Drop In Centre

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s twelfth Unfunded Project was purchasing additional items such as the basketball hoop, volleyball equipment, gaming machine, coffee machine and frothier for our newly opened social hub drop-in centre where friends have a safe space to meet in their local community where they can access a range of equipment and the venue is also wheelchair friendly.
Total project cost was $1,268.92
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
Project 11: Christmas Party 2017

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s eleventh Unfunded Project was to host a Christmas Party for participants, families and staff. Through generous donations we were able to hire a Photo Booth, Video Jukebox, Musical Act, Balloon Twister and Face Painter. We were also able to provide dinner through catering by BeanTo. A special thanks to the Scenic Rim Regional Council for funding the venue through a $1,000 grant and the Birnam Rural Fire Brigade for volunteering their time and bringing Santa to the party on a fire truck!
Total project cost was $4,281
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
​Project 10: National Carers Week 2017

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia's tenth Unfunded Project involved holding a live National Carers Week inspired raffle through our Social Media pages to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contribution that unpaid carers make to our nation. Each of the carers associated with Rural Lifestyle Options Australia were automatically entered into the draw which saw a range of prizes won as a small token of appreciation to the Unpaid Carers for their unwavering efforts.
Total project cost was $250
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
Project 9: Unfunded Mental Health Supports

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s ninth Unfunded Project was for providing essential support services to a young man in the 2016/2017 financial year who due to a decline in his mental health required additional support. Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s commitment was to not disadvantage this young man, who at no fault of his own required more support.
Total project cost was $140,990
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia used our own cash reserves to ensure this project was completed.
Project 8: Unfunded Transport Supports

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s eighth Unfunded Project was for providing free and subsided transportation in the 2016/2017 financial year, to participants and families residing in the Logan, Scenic Rim, Gold Coast and Ipswich regions prior to their transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Often, participants are isolated in regional areas and without essential transportation services they are not able to achieve their goals.
Total project cost was $276,717
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia used our own cash reserves to ensure this project was completed.
Project 7: Improvements to Lifestyle Supports

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s seventh Unfunded Project was for Improvements to Lifestyle Supports. Bentleys Chartered Accountants, a Brisbane based accounting, tax, advisory, audit and insolvency firm who previously had assisted us by fundraising internally for our second Unfunded Project, this year successfully fundraised $1740 to assist the organisation in this endeavour. The fundraising purchases included new shelving, dinner and cutlery sets, cooking equipment, new bedding, new towels and storage containers to be used across Jade Cottage Activity Centre and our Emerald House Respite Retreat. These items will provide greater opportunities for growth and personal development for our participants.
Total project cost was $1740
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to Bentleys Chartered Accountants, who fundraised for this project.
​Project 6: National Carers Week 2016
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia's sixth Unfunded Project was to host a National Carers Week event that recognised and celebrated the outstanding contribution that unpaid carers make to our nation. In October 2016, in celebration of National Carer’s Week, RLOA hosted a Thank You Carer’s Morning Tea at Albert River Winery, Tamborine. The morning entailed a delicious Devonshire tea amongst sweeping views of the Mountains of Tamborine followed by four lucky door prizes that were donated to RLOA by sponsors in Brisbane. Following morning tea, guests were treated to an exclusive guided tour through the historic colonial homestead Tamborine House, a sheep dog trial demonstration, animal feeding, whip cracking demonstration and competition, and a boomerang throwing competition.
Total project cost was $1,300
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.

Project 5: Renovations to Respite Rooms

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s fifth Unfunded Project was for the cost of materials, labour and new furniture for a balinese inspired respite room located in our Emerald House Respite Retreat. Rural Lifestyle Options Australia provides overnight respite for people with a disability to provide their carers with a break to help recharge their batteries so they can continue their caring role. Although the primary purpose of respite is to allow the carers to have some much needed time off from their caring roles, it’s also an opportunity for their loved one to have a break from mum and dad and experience things they might not normally get to do.
Total project cost was $6000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia used our own cash reserves to ensure this project was completed.
​Project 4: Renovated Living Room in Respite Retreat

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia’s fourth Unfunded Project was a renovation to the living room inside our Emerald House Respite Retreat. The renovation included painting a feature wall, painting the walls, repairing and restoring the flooring, installation of a TV aerial, the mounting of a television on the wall, a new blind, a new rug, a new large sofa, new throw cushions and two beautiful new prints which are reflective of our rural heritage.
Total project cost was $5000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia used our own cash reserves to ensure this project was completed.
​Project 3: Mobi-Chair

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia's third Unfunded Project was a Mobi-Chair which is a floating beach wheelchair designed to provide a seamless transition from boardwalk-to-beach-to water. The chair itself has armrests and wheels comprised of flotation materials enabling the chair to fully float in any water. Through your generous donations we met our fundraising target of $3664 for this project. Additionally, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia contributed the remaining $1506 required to make this project a reality.
Total project cost was $5170
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
​Project 2: National Carers Week 2015

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia's second Unfunded Project was to host a National Carers Week event that recognised and celebrated the outstanding contribution that unpaid carers make to our nation. RLOA pledged to help build a carer-friendly Australia by hosting a free morning tea for carers at Kooroomba Vineyard and Lavender Farm. Every carer who attended the event went home with a small gift and a framed certificate of appreciation for their selfless efforts and were hopefully heartened by the thanks they received. One lucky winner walked away with our Lucky Door Prize which entailed two nights accommodation at Amore Bed and Breakfast, Mount Tamborine.
Total project cost was $1,000
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.
​Project 1: Sensory Room

Rural Lifestyle Options Australia's first Unfunded Project was a sensory room which is designed to enhance a person’s sight, sense of sound, touch and smell. This is achieved through the use of aids which can be incorporated within a supportive environment which is specifically designed with special lighting, music, and sensory objects that can therapeutically benefit learning for children and adults with all types of needs. Through your generous donations we met our fundraising target of $5852.71. Additionally, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia have contributed $6,182.41 towards the paneling, painting and electrical work required to get the sensory room prepared.
Total project cost was $12,036
Rural Lifestyle Options Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted us in fundraising for this project.